Projects from CCH&GS

Completed and On-Going

Ongoing Projects

The Chickasaw County Historical Society dreamed of a way to beautify an eyesore in our community, while also depicting the history of our county. This project has been in the works for almost three years from its beginning idea, to research, and meetings with all agencies and organizations who have any input into the project. The process of fundraising was started and grants were applied for. A grant from the Mississippi Heritage Hills Alliance was received and our local tourism committee matched this grant. Fundraising letters were also sent out. We went through developing ideas for the concept drawing. The bridge abutments have been pressure washed and primed, and the metal train overpass being painted above the site of the actual paintings. The artist and his team will be onsite about November 11, 2024, to begin painting. The work is expected to take approximately four weeks, depending on the weather. Phase 1 of the Bridge Art Project has been completed.

Future projects for the bridge area will include a kiosk, lighting, security, and parking. The location of this project is the abutments of the  Highway 8 GM&O underpass.

We have purchased equipment to allow us to scan and preserve large books, such as our volumes of old local newspapers, Courthouse record books from our local Courthouse, and other important materials so that we will have a digital copy of these materials. Part of the expansion will allow us to have a dark room to do this scanning.

We are in the process of being awarded state money to help fund the expansion of our Research Center. We have had a request from the Courthouse to store more of the Courthouse records that are in danger of being damaged due to the conditions they are currently being exposed to in the Courthouse. We have plans to double the size of the Research Center from 40 foot x 40 foot, to 40 foot x 80 foot size. This will allow us to store more research books and also have a place to hold classes on genealogical research and other historical classes.

We are currently in the process of purchasing acid free storage boxes to improve our ability to store historical materials.

Trees have been removed where needed and the area has been cleared. We have received bids and hope to begin this expansion in the near future when the state releases the money, which has already been approved. 

The Spring Flywheel Festival will be held on April 25 and 26, 2025. During these two days, we often have hundreds of visitors tour our museum and grounds. We will have new exhibits available for viewing in the museum and on the grounds of the museum. We are planning to host an art exhibit/concert during the Spring Flywheel Festival that will be open to all school art students in the county.

We plan to host several workshops in the near future and hope to have more historical workshops.

Completed Projects

Family Research Center Sign

A family research center sign was recently designed, purchased and placed in front of the Research Center. The sign includes pictures of people who made their homes and raised families in Chickasaw County over fifty years ago.

A computer and microfilm viewing machine was purchased and placed in the Research Center. This new equipment allows users to load films into the equipment and scroll through the films, locate items of interest, enlarge, study, and print from the equipment. 

After a successful fundraiser, a new copier was purchased, which allows users to scan and email from the copier and to print wirelessly from computers throughout the Research Center. The copier also allows us to prepare our quarterly publications on a computer, send the pages to the printer, and print, fold, and staple the books. We are also able to email the quarterly to our members, who prefer this method of receiving their quarterly publication, called the “Times Past.”

All of the various pieces required to complete this process have been purchased after a successful fundraiser. We are currently planning on setting this equipment up in a dark room when construction is completed. Having a dark room to scan documents will result in better-quality research materials.