The Chickasaw County Historical Society dreamed of a way to beautify an eyesore in our community, while also depicting the history of our county. This project has been in the works for almost three years from its beginning idea, to research, and meetings with all agencies and organizations who have any input into the project. The process of fundraising was started and grants were applied for. A grant from the Mississippi Heritage Hills Alliance was received and our local tourism committee matched this grant. Fundraising letters were also sent out. We went through developing ideas for the concept drawing. The bridge abutments have been pressure washed and primed, and the metal train overpass being painted above the site of the actual paintings. The artist and his team will be onsite about November 11, 2024, to begin painting. The work is expected to take approximately four weeks, depending on the weather. Phase 1 of the Bridge Art Project has been completed.
Future projects for the bridge area will include a kiosk, lighting, security, and parking. The location of this project is the abutments of the Highway 8 GM&O underpass.